Class Descriptions and Levels
Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra
Perfect for those who need to relax and unwind. A deep, satisfying stretch followed by a deep relaxation. The perfect antidote to a stressful, busy day.
Yin yoga is a quiet contemplative practice that works deeply into our body with passive, longer-held poses. It targets the deepest tissues of the body: the ligaments, joints, and deep fascial networks.
This is followed by a guided yoga nidra meditation that is desgined to take us into the deeper layers of our consciousness by working with body scan, breath and visualisation techniques.
(suitable for all levels)
Calming Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga is class that has no particular physical goal or what we call a 'peak' pose, we are not aiming for anything in particular except deep relaxation and a good stretch. Simple poses, at a slow pace. Gentle yoga allows us to move into the more subtle realms of movement, breath work and mindfulness. Allow yourself to slow down and give yourself a treat with some gentle flow Yoga.
(Suitable for all levels)
Energising Vinyasa flow (All levels )
Style: Vinyasa Flow
Vinyasa flow is a dynamic, creative style of Yoga that moves through 'vinyasas,' or sequences of poses that are connected by the breath. It is an energising practice that is designed to get our prana, our life-force, moving and flowing. We'll connect with the body, the breath and disengage from the mind
This class is suitable for complete beginners, as plenty of adaptations and props will be given to make it accessible as possible. We usually have some physical goal in mind, like a 'peak' pose that we build up to with preparatory poses throughout the class. Expect a challenging class with a faster pace, as well as some time to linger in poses and work towards improving core strength, balance and flexibility. In every class there will 15 minutes at the end devoted to relaxation.
(Suitable for all levels)