Contact us to book a consultation with our trainee Ayurvedic Health Advisor.

Introductory price for consultations is £25 for a one and half hour session.

Ayurveda helps us to gain a holistic, all-round view of ourselves and can help to provide suggestions to improve all aspects of life. We do our best to provide impartial lifestyle suggestions that follow the recommendations of Ayruveda, and address common complaints such as gas and bloating, constipation, chronic headaches, mental fogginess and skin conditions.

If you would like to book contact

  • What to expect from your consultation

    The first thing we will do after you contact us for a consultation is send you a wellness questionnaire. This is quite an in-depth questionnaire that allows us to get a full picture of your current state of health. This can be a useful tool for you as well as the advisor. You too will have a full picture of your state of health, and it will encourage you to take a look at your current habits. You can also look back after some time has passed and see how much of an improvement you have made! It is important to be as honest and a detailed as you can, this will allow you to get the most out of your consultation.

    When you come for your consultation we will go through your questionnaire and ask any other important questions. This will give us an idea of what your dosha (or mind/body type) is, and will enable us to assess your current state of imbalance (vikriti).

    We will then be able to make suggestions that are tailored to you on how you can improve aspects of your mental and physical health. You'll come away with recommendations on how you can improve on what and how you eat, daily routine, stress-management, spiritual practice and more. It is not necessary to have knowledge of Ayurveda before you come but it might help you to do some background reading on the basics before you arrive.

    Ayurveda can help empower you to become your own healer, and help you find greater balance in life. We are excited to share some of this journey with you.